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14.05.20 - Nursery Home Learning

Good Morning, 

Your learning task today is to listen to the story 'One is a Snail, Ten is a crab' by clicking on the link below

Within the story they count the legs of different living creatures, pause at each number and discuss this with your child. Pay close attention to number 5 - how is 5 made in the story? A dog with 4 legs and a snail with 1 leg. You can stop the story at number 5 or if you want you can continue to watch to the end. 

Can you now make '5' by drawing 2 living creatures which have a total of 5 legs? 

For example-: A slug and a horse or a snake and a cat. 

An additional game that we play in Nursery that the children absolutely love is to have a competition between siblings/parents/carers to see who can roll a 5 on a dice most times. Keep a tally score and count it at the end to find the winner. If you do not have a dice you can use the dice on this website: Encourage the children to count the spots to see if it is 5, eventually they will get used to the pattern and will be able to look at the pattern on the dice and say the number without counting. 

The Nursery Team