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Year 1 01.04.20 Home Learning

Good morning everyone!

Not only is it the start of a brand new month…it’s also April Fools Day! We can only imagine the tricks you would be playing on your teachers today!

As it is the start of a new month, it seems like a good a time as any for a reset and a time to think about what you would like to achieve over this next month. This is what grown ups call goal setting.


We would like you to write a list of all the things you would like to do or achieve in April. It could be to learn a new skill, to read that book on your shelf that you have wanted to read for ages or it could even be to try a new food that you've never really liked the look of before!

Here is a little preview of my list:

  1. To do PE with Joe Wicks every morning
  2. To finish reading my chapter book
  3. To do some mindfulness colouring each day


Keeping up with the theme of time and new beginnings, today we would like you to go in search of time! Can you have a search around your house for anything that tells the time; watches, TVs, wall clocks ect. They might all show it differently, but each of these clocks tell us what time it is.

If you can, watch the video on the link below. It gives a great start to learning how to tell the time.

If the link won’t work on your adults device, you could draw all of the things that you do in the morning (AM) and in the afternoon (PM) and in the evening.

Final task of the day is to go and find a mirror in your house. Look at your reflection and give yourself a compliment to start your month off on the right foot.

 Here’s one from us: We’re so proud of all the great learning you’re doing at home. Keep it up!

We miss you so much in school but you're all doing a fabulous job of staying home and keeping safe.

Keep smiling, your Year 1 Teachers smiley