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Wednesday 6.1.21

Hello Year 3, here are your learning activities for today.


Maths – Multiplication and Division 3

In this lesson you will learn about the special link between the place value columns.


English – To explore being verbs

In this lesson, you will be given a definition of 'being' verbs. First, you will identify the forms of the verb 'to be' in sentences. Then, you will look at plural and singular forms of the verb 'to be'. After that, you will look at past/present tense forms of the verb 'to be' and finally, they will complete a task where they need to choose the correct verb for each sentence.


Reading-  Please access Bug Club for reading activities. If you need help with your login and password please contact the office and a teacher will ensure you get a copy.

Reading- Please access Bug Club for reading activities. If you need help with your login and password please contact the office and a teacher will ensure you get a copy.

Below is the link to the Bug Club website 

Pearson Sign In 

PSHE- Who am I?

In this lesson, we will explore a new topic of friendships. We will discuss the qualities of a good friend and also how our actions can impact others. We will then think about acts of kindness that we can do for others.

Spelling- This week we will be looking at spellings with the long vowel sound ‘ai’. Remember to access ‘Spelling PDF document for the week’ to guide you through the activity.