22.04.20 Y4 Maths and English
Good Morning everyone. Hopefully you are well and truly back into the swing of getting up in the morning and seeing what learning you have for the day.
Remember to take advantage of the good weather and go outside to e.g. read a book, draw a picture, write a poem, do some skipping or to just relax!
Your Maths activities for this week will focus upon a mix of addition and subtraction. Your Maths activity for today is to practice your mental subtraction skills on an interactive game. Click on the subtraction carriage and then ‘2 digit numbers.’
We have also uploaded an addition and subtraction PowerPoint for you to work through and test your super Maths skills!
It is day three of looking at your spelling words and you should be starting to feel a growing confidence in your ability to spell them. Today’s game is called ‘Segment Silhouette’. Once you’ve had a go at the game, you could always revisit the previous games to really test your knowledge.