Year 6
The staff in year 6 are: Miss Brown Miss Spencer Miss Bennett Mrs Rodaway Mr Winstanley Miss Hull Miss Ball
This is the topic web for Spring 1 |
Our PE days in year 6 are: Thursday and Friday (swimming)
RSE Updates
Within RSE lessons this half-term we will be covering the topic of 'Our changing bodies' and incorporated in these lessons we will learn more about puberty, conception and pregnancy. We strongly encourage all children to take part in these lessons but appreciate that you have the right to withdraw your child from some aspects of this learning. You will find some of the activities children will complete on the links below if you would like to take a closer look, or you may feel more comfortable discussing your concerns with your child's class teacher.
Some key vocabulary that we learn in year 6:
Art and Design | Computing | Design and Technology | Geography | History | Music | PE | RE | RSE | Science |
expression stimulus style technique media sketch photography digital media culture evaluate critique colour wheel primary secondary model sculpt texture |
internet search engine web bots permission safe e-safety password algorithm program step by step solution variable control software device responsible malicious
market research investigate plan refine justify explain material equipment evaluate update savoury recipe structure join combine |
expedition polar region discovery equator tropic of cancer tropic of capricorn hemisphere continent time zone human feature physical feature grid reference location ordnance survey
timeline historical event chronological decade century leader treaty parliament allies axes dictator persecution evacuee rationing kingdom slavery trade
expression composition rhythm repeating pattern cycle tempo timbre dynamics melody harmony instrument stave crochet quaver note |
team leader referee umpire tactics attack defence rules communicate plan sequence style stamina orienteering map direction
Christian journey religion celebrations christening baptism Dharma future destination beliefs values traditions ceremony pilgrimage ritual |
alcohol conflict earn gambling frief pregnant vaccinations conception fertilisation sperm
evolution inheritance classification adaptation variation vertebrates invertebrates circulatory system vein artery pulmonary reflection circuit battery series parrallel |
If you want to do even more learning at home you can visit these websites: