Year 4
The staff in year 4 are: Miss Bancroft, Mrs Allen and Miss Mason Mrs Duffy, Miss Tabassum, Mrs Davidson, Mrs Slater, Miss Makin |
Topic web for Autumn 2 |
Our PE days are: Friday
Some key vocabulary that we learn in year 4 during this half term:
Computing | Art | Geography | Music | PE | RE | RSE | Spanish | Science |
Internet Network Router Network security Technology Safety Sharing Content |
Optical Illusion Portrait Landscape Willow Pattern Tint Brushstrokes Paint Composition
Towns Cities Villages Features Human Geography Physical Geography Countries Maps |
Instruments Guitar Percussion Compositions Music Tempo Timbre Dynamics Melody Rhythm |
Footwork Balance Static Dynamic Control Fluent Challenge Pattern Speed React |
Good Evil Believe Hinduism Rama Sita Vishnu Avatars Diwali Rangoli |
Act of kindness Authority Bereavement Boundaries Bully Victim Bystander Permission Diversity Grief |
Buenos dios! Hola! Estoy Bien Estoy mal Mas o Menos Adios Me llamo vivo en hasta luego soy |
Vertebrate Invertebrate Classify Movement Respiration Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition
If you want to do even more learning at home you can visit these websites: