Home Learning 21.05.2020
Thursday 21st May
Good Morning Year 1.
Today, we’re going to finish off our adventure your new setting. Up to now, we have created a setting and a new character that Jake and Holly meet. Have a little read through what you have written so far to remind yourself.
Our final task is to write about an activity that the children do with their new friend. In my jungle adventure, Jake and Holly will go on an adventure with Slinky. Slinky will teach them to make a tree house in the tallest tree so that they can see all over the jungle!
What will Jake, Holly and your new character get up to in your story?
In maths today there is a sheet bellow that you will use to tell the time. Try your hardest and remeber all the hard work yoy have been doing.
Hope to see you soon!
Keep smiling and stay safe :)