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KS2 PATHS Lesson

Hello everybody! I hope that you have a wonderful week of home learning and spending time with your brilliant grown ups at home!

Here are some PATHS activities. PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) is a Barnardo's programme that we follow in Broad Oak. It teaches us all about emotions, how to calm down, how to identify triggers and how to problem solve and communicate effectively. 

Below is a PATHS lesson all about self management. This means to identify triggers that can cause you to become upset/anxious/angry and to then actively engage in activities which will help to calm you down. When you manage to calm yourself down, this is called self-management. You have been able to identify the problem and calm yourself down all by yourself. This is not an easy thing to be able to do but is a fantastic skill to have which will help you to calmly overcome challenging situations every day of your life!

Have a look through the self-management blog and then have a go at some of the activities listed. There's no reason why your grown up can't get involved and complete these activities with you! Self-management is a skill not only for children but for grown ups too so get them involved! :)

If you would like to find our more about PATHS, have a look on their Twitter page:

Miss Mason - PATHS Co-ordinator.