Year 4 Activities 21/4/20
Morning all - Happy Tuesday!
As we mentioned yesterday today is Queen Elizabeth II's 94th Birthday so its the perfect opportunity to celebrate with a cake or treat later. I hope you enjoyed your tasks yesterday and getting back to work. Luckily the weather wasn't to great to help us stay inside.
Tasks for today ...
Maths - Good morning! Your Maths activities for this week will focus upon a mix of addition and subtraction. Your Maths activity for today is to work your way through an addition and subtraction teaching PowerPoint and then to have a go at some multi-step addition word problems.
English - Hopefully you enjoyed looking at your spelling words yesterday. We will carry on looking at adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words with more than one syllable.
Today try ‘Sorting Segments’
If you fancy something creative then take a look at the Birthday celebration tasks posted today to help the Queen celebrate.
Enjoy Miss Brown