18.3.20- Y2 Home Tasks
Good Morning,
For those children in self isolation a daily English, Maths and Topic task will be uploaded here on the school website for children to complete. Here are todays tasks.
Conjunctions are what we use to extend our sentences. Play the game on the link below selecting the correct conjunction to complete the sentences.
This week we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Play the game on the link below naming the 3D shapes.
This week we have been looking at healthy eating. Play on the game below to learn about the different food groups and create a healthy eating plate.
Finally, read, read, read! Free e-books can be accessed from home here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/.
Thank you for your support.
Keep safe,
Year 2 Team