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Dear Parent / Person with Parental Responsibility
RE: Reception Vision Screening 2024/ 2025
Welcome to the School Screening Service. Now that your child has started school their health care needs have transferred from the health visitors to the school nurses.
During their first school year your child will be offered screening for vision. You will be informed of the results once we have carried out the screening and if necessary, your child will be referred for further assessment, if your child’s vision is found to be outside normal limits.
The information you share with us will be treated confidentially. For more information on the type of information that Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds; how that information is used; who we may share that information with; and how we keep it secure and confidential please see enclosed our privacy notice. Our full privacy notice can be found on the trust’s website www.wirralct.nhs.uk
Please e mail us at wchc.schoolscreeners@nhs.net within the next 2 weeks if you do not wish your child to be included in the vision screening programme. Please include your child’s name, date of birth, and the school they are attending. If we do not hear from you we will see your child in school to undertake their vision screening.
Yours sincerely
Victoria Bishop
Victoria Bishop
Universal Service Lead
St Helens 0-19 Team
Tel: 01744 624 313