EYFS and KS1 PATHS Lessons
Hello everybody! I hope that you have a fantastic week completing your home learning and spending lots of time with your brilliant grown ups at home! :)
Here are some PATHS activities. PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) is a Barnardo's programme that we follow in Broad Oak. It teaches us all about emotions, how to calm down and how to problem solve. Grown ups - you may have heard your little one talking about 'doing the turtle' or talking about our PATHS puppets e.g. Twiggle.
Attached is a lesson all about sharing - delivered by our fabulous PATHS puppets. There are some activities that you can complete with your child to embed the messages from the video lesson.
Attached is also a 30 Days of SEL Challenge. (SEL = Social, Emotional Learning). This could be a fantastic way to engage your child with helping out around the house whilst teaching them valuable SEL skills!
If you would like to find our more about PATHS, have a look on their Twitter page: https://twitter.com/PATHSEdUK?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
I hope that you enjoy! :)
Miss Mason - PATHS Co-ordinator