Our News items
Mathletics Champions, by Mrs Keyte
Junior Chef, by Miss Barrow
Year 2 SATs, by Miss Flood
Summer 1 - PE, by Mrs Keyte
EPQ Certificate, by Mrs Keyte
Our Trip to the Chester Dewa Museum, by Miss Woods
St Helens Youth Art Exhibition , by Miss Bennett
Phase 4 Highest Attendance 3 weeks in a row!!!!, by Mrs Keyte
Y5K Chester Zoo, by Miss Barrow
Chester Zoo, by Mrs Keyte
Phase 3 attendance 23.03.18, by Miss Barrow
Sport Relief Mile, by Miss Woods
Ancient Egyptians , by Miss Woods
Stars of the week , by Miss Fisher-Marsh
Phase 3 Attendance 16.3.18, by Miss Barrow
Highest Attendance!!!!, by Mrs Keyte
BASH Celebration Event, by Mrs Keyte
Stars of the week. , by Miss Fisher-Marsh
Stars of the week, by Miss Fisher-Marsh
World Book Day Best Dressed Winners, by Miss Barrow
Phase 3 Attendance 02.03.18, by Miss Barrow
Aspirations, by Mrs Keyte
Stars of the week, by Miss Fisher-Marsh
Phase 3 Attendance 23.2.18, by Miss Barrow
Year 4 at Sky Try , by Miss Rodaway