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Flu Vaccination Programme 2024

School Aged Immunisation Service

 Dear Parent/Carer,

 Your child’s annual flu immunisation is now due.

This year’s flu vaccination will be offered to all children Reception to Year 6 & all 2- & 3-year-olds (as of 31/08/24).

 This immunisation is recommended to help protect your child against flu.


Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Immunising your child will also help to protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu.

Most children are offered a nasal spray immunisation which is a quick, simple and painless spray up the nose. Even if your child had the immunisation last year, the type of flu can vary each winter, so it is recommended to have it again this year or they won’t be protected.

The nasal spray vaccine is the preferred vaccine. A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme is enclosed and includes details about the small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate.

The nasal spray vaccine contains a very small amount of gelatine from pigs (porcine gelatine) as an essential ingredient to keep it stable and able to work. For those who may not accept medicines or immunisations that contain porcine gelatine, an alternative flu injection is available. Since the programme was introduced, most children offered the vaccine in schools have had the immunisation.

Please complete your child’s flu form by scanning the below QR code or visit our website:


You can choose which type of flu immunisation you want your child to receive. If you decide you don’t want your child to receive their flu immunisation, we kindly ask you to still complete their form, as this will help us plan and improve the service and avoid you receiving further calls and reminders from the service


Alternatively, if you are completing a paper consent form, please return it to school within three days of receiving it. The team will enter the information you provide onto the system and confidentially dispose of your form at the end of the flu campaign.

If after completing your child’s form you visit a GP for their flu immunisation or wish to amend their form, you must contact the immunisation team directly and not your child’s school.

Please remember it’s important to ensure your child has received two doses of MMR and their other routine immunisations. This will ensure they are fully protected against vaccine preventable diseases.

Please contact your local team if you require any help, support or have any queries who will be happy to help

Yours Sincerely

School Aged Immunisation Services


Additional Information for Childhood Immunisations

To get the best protection for your child, they need to have had two doses of MMR vaccine. For a checklist of the vaccines and the ages at which they should ideally be given visit:

St Helens Schools: 01744 415 645  or email