Year 4 Activities 24/3/20
Tuesday everyone!
I hope you enjoyed your learning activities yesterday and managed to access your learning from home. It's really important to keep yourself safe and make sure that you are following social distancing guidance. Remember fresh air is good if you keep your distance from others so maybe ask an adult to join you for a walk today to break up your activities.
Today you might want to get active with Joe Wickes again @
Or maybe try practising one of your times tables with the Premier league supermovers @
Good morning! Your Maths activities for this week will focus upon multiplication, specifically times tables. Your Maths activity for today is to practice your times tables on Mathsframe Multiplication Check for 30 minutes. Try to get as to a close a score to 25/25 as possible!
Good morning! Your English activities for this week will focus mainly upon reading, reading and more reading! You will need to read the text and then answer questions using our Reading VIPERS techniques (Vocab, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, and Summarise)
You can also access lots of reading activities on Read Theory using your login details.
So off you go and get started. Keep a look out for alternative activities for the remainder of the day on new news items.
Year 4