Our News items
Activities to do at home, by Ms Horan
More Mindfulness Activities, by Mrs Keyte
Year 4 Activities 20/3/20, by Miss Brown
20.3.20 Y2 Home Tasks , by Miss Brown
EYFS Fitness Friday, by Miss Anders
Compound Sentences, by Mrs Keyte
19.3.20 - Y2 Home Tasks, by Miss Bowes
Year 1 Home Learning 19.3.20, by Miss Flood
18.3.20- Y2 Home Tasks , by Miss Doward
Year 1 Phonics update, by Miss Flood
Year 1 Home Learning 18.3.20, by Miss Flood
Home school links, by Miss Rodaway
Year 3 Activities 18/3/20, by Miss Brown
Year 4 Activities 18/3/20, by Miss Brown
Coronavirus Update - Important, by Mrs Hignett
World Book Day, by Mrs Gorman
Safer Internet Day, by Mrs Gorman
Safer Internet Day 2020, by Miss Doward
Green Screen Africa, by Mrs Gorman
Own clothes/dress up, by Miss Anders
School photographs, by Miss Anders
Halloween, by Miss Anders
Summer Holiday Fun and Food, by Mrs Hignett
SATs parent's meeting, by Mrs Gorman
Star of the Week... , by Mr McGowan